Feb 22
'As with many countries around the world, fermentation has been an intricate part of Japan culinary practice for centuries as it supports food preservation, has numerous health and wellness benefits, and creates new dimensions to flavors and the texture of foods. One quickly learns that Japan’s fermentation is some of the most intricate, yet simple cooking techniques found in the world. JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles partnered with fermentation experts Makoto Kanauchi and Takeo Koizumi to introduce the fascinating world of fermentation where we discover some of the most important cultural, historical, nutritional and geographic story points of fermentation in Japan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● CONNECT WITH JAPAN HOUSE LOS ANGELES www.JapanHouseLA.com | @JapanHouseLA ● SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER https://www.japanhousela.com/happenings/newsletter/'
Tags: healthy living , japanese food , fermentation , Japan House Los Angeles , Makoto Kanauchi
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